• noc@scmedia.co.id
  • +62-21-7220222
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Sun Outage schedule for the period Maret 2025 (13 - 29 Maret 2025)

Sun Outage or solar blackout or better known as a satellite eclipse is a disturbance condition in Geostationary satellite signals caused by interference with solar radiation when the positions of the earth, satellite and sun are in a straight line.
As we know, the earth's axis (equatorial pole) is not perpendicular to the ecliptic plane (plane of orbit/orbit) of the earth, but forms an angle of 23.5 degrees to the ecliptic pole.
The following is the Sun Outage Schedule for the period March 2024, which can be accessed via :



  • Please adjust Satellite, Location, and Other Parameters, then click Calculate.
  • If you want to generate all locations, then click Select All then Calculate.
  • And if you want to add a new location, select Other in the Location field, then manually input the Latitude and Longitude data then Calculate.


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