PT. Semesta Citra Media (SCMedia) is a private national company which runs telecommunication network business focusing on providing VSAT IP based service and equipment. Established in early 2003, SCMedia has well experienced and reliable telecommunication expertise, and is supported by Hughes Network System (HNS) USA.
Mutual cooperation between SCMedia and TELKOM in providing the up to date VSAT IP service product will gives effectiveness and also efficiency of total solution to network telecommunication’s demand.
SCMedia has its own professional staffs with telecommunication experiences and capabilities. This forms a major strength for SCMedia to take its role in telecommunication business.
which is fully supported by Hughes Network System and PT.TELKOM itself. Hughes Network System is widely known both as pioneer in VSAT Technology and also world’s biggest VSAT operator.
Mediasat-IP is a Broadband IP Satellite service that offer a fast, cost effective and high quality connection to reach remote locations.
SCADA is Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. Data Acquisition : Gathers information from widely distributed processes
Mediasat-Link is designed to handle point-to-point or point-to-multipoints digital transmissions from one site to another site/sites.
Mutual Cooperation with PT. TELKOM, Tbk
Offices/ and Human Resources of PT.TELKOM which covers all over Indonesia
Using TELKOM satellite (the best Indonesia’s satellite, recently)
Ability to bundle with other Telkom’s existing facilities and services.
Sun Outage or solar blackout or better known as a satellite eclipse
Sun Outage or solar blackout or better known as a satellite eclipse